Once speculated on Latvia’s biggest mistake in post on elections, that is non-citizens. Originally wanted to blame
Latvia and call Latvian government names, with links and numbers. But thoughts
took an unexpected turn.
TLDR: know what is good for You.
Many people, including myself, were non-citizens of Latvia. Not adding all links on non-citizen count and differences in rights, because it is not that relevant. The important point is, - I believe most affected people felt becoming a non-citizen as injustice. I certainly did.
There is an official and lawful justification for creating non-citizens in Latvia. And I believe there are many people Who would call it just, otherwise there would be no calling to create such a category of people.
That was done on purpose to spark emotions. “They” spark emotions in order to lower cognitive abilities of population. One significant part of people is offended/angry, other - bigger part of people is somewhat excited, both blinded by emotions.
Keeping people blinded appears to be a continuous endeavor, because “they” never stop suggesting people go into emotional mode. Always new thing to make people angry/sad/excited. I used to think that dividing people was the main reason aka Divide and conquer. But it appears to be just a byproduct of keeping people emotional. If “Happiness” would last longer and cost less, “they” would keep Us happy.
Recently We all saw “fear” emotion in action. During the recent widely spread illness. When unprecedented illness fighting measures were taken, and unbelievable level of obedience from the population was shown.
“Emotional people may perform actions that are not in their own best interests.” – Almost a quote from IT security awareness training
Sales people know it, and prefer customers to being emotional. Throw something like “emotions that drive sales”, in a web search engine.
How many people even know their best interests? Hence people are kindly provided with plenty of interests to choose from: sports, national interests, European Union interests, WEF interests ant etc.
Worst part, is that even if “They” disappear tomorrow, people that are used to be “angry” all the time, are still here. I am still here, and I still feel robbed when received Aliens passport ~22 years ago(half-joke).
It is some big football(soccer) event happening right now, and player X, just beat some previous achievement of past football player Y. We should really focus on deciding/discussing who is the greatest of those two. This discussion should be taken seriously, with deep historical context and facts. Now go and spend a day/week thinking about this.
Stay sane.