Recently portrayed Latvia as bad country here: blame spiral, and they just added more pressure. Blinded people or
not, life quality of affected people drops. Soon ethnic minority would not be
able to learn their own language in public schools, even as a foreign language.
TLDR: It all might resolve nicely, if people would think.
Right topics to think on would be the cost and quality of living in broad sense. Basic understanding of boring numbers(taxes) also might help. I have a foolish belief #1, that as soon as people generally would care more about their bodies and wallets, “bad” politicians, including “mean” economic forums would disappear. Just as previous big media thing disappeared.
Not that I am disappointed, but why the Pandemic(2020-2021) ended? Horrible guess is, that people just can’t be scared of 2 things at same time, they would have to think in order to choose what is worse for them. And thinking people is not acceptable, hence it is bad Russia now.
“Emotions, non-thinking people, but the struggle is real! Why “they” treat people like cattle?” – reasonable question
Yet another foolish belief #2: people treat themselves like cattle, or
treat their “neighbors”. Talking from personal experience here. Smoking,
drinking, overeating - is bad, yet still did it, among with other “cattle-like”
Years ago, I was slowly becoming an anti-vaxxer(because “they” want to
poison Us all), while smoking cigarettes and getting hammered every Friday.
Do “they” really need to poison a person who is doing fine on His own? It is more like
“they” should have made sure booze and cigarettes are dirt-cheap.
Have to give credit to anti-vaxx movement for raising awareness on what are You putting into Your body, in broad sense. The vaccine stuff is indeed extreme or even absurd at times, which is exactly what You need to make a person notice something. If You ever explain something to someone, taking it to extreme might be a useful approach.
I am always returning to an idea of teaching - learning, carrot - stick. And
carrot being less effective for the most part. When life gets better, I am not
doubling down on learning a new skill or mastering existing one, more like the
opposite, relaxing more and allowing more time to be spent(wasted?) on
Foolish belief #3: There would be no point for person to
“suffer” when He does the right things on a regular basis. Nobody makes a secret
of what are the right things. Right things are mostly boring though.
“But schools will still ban…” – original issue
Yes, it is unlikely for a government to unwind decisions it made previously. They will stay. But You don’t have to. You are healthy, educated, getting paid, have good partner - You have options.