Poorman's email marketing

Last edited 2022-11-22

TLDR: Mutt and simple scripting.
> mutt -s "email subject" "recipent@whatever.com" < "message.html" in a loop.
Had to send unhealthy amount of emails. Was surprised that sending same email to a list of adresses is not a common feature in email-clients. Small journey.

Although there are e-mail marketing platforms online, felt like it would be an overkill. All I need is to loop through 150 emails and send same formatted text to all, one by one.

The tool

The candidates were NodeMailer and Mutt. I have Node.js at my day job, so had to select Mutt. How to set-up Your mutt, You can read on Medium or someone’s personal blog. The only part those tutorials not covered, is how to send formatted text. It turned out to be easy, just add set content_type="text/html" to .muttrc file, otherwise it will be plain text only.

The email-message

The e-mail text istelf should be saved as html file. For My “spamming” purposes I have been using zohomail, which allows to see the generated html of the message I have created, so copy to file, and no need to touch CSS. gmail has show original on reveived or sent messages. Some fancy text with formatting like this:

formatted email text screenshot

Becomes a HTML like:

<div style="line-height: 2;">
    <span class="size" style="font-size: 18.666666666666664px">
        Fancy email with
        <span class="colour" style="color:#00cc00">
        <span class="highlight" style="background-color:#e5ccff">
            <span class="colour" style="color:#00cc00">
<div style="line-height: 2;">
    <span class="size" style="font-size: 18.666666666666664px">
        <span class="highlight" style="background-color:#ffffff">
        custom line-spacing
<div style="line-height: 2;">
    <span class="size" style="font-size: 18.666666666666664px">

Saving it to message.html. (Yes, font-size looks odd)

The loop

Need a script to read file with recipients test-list.csv. Keeping it simple, just one tab, no header row, and no empty lines. For every line, script would call mutt with correct arguments. Almost ready script existed on the internet, took it and added mutt call line.

#! /bin/bash 
while IFS= read -r line 
done < test-list.csv

echo "Sending emails to selected list:"
for email in "${arr_csv[@]}"
    echo "Sending emai to: $email"
    mutt -s "test subject" $email < message.html
    sleep 5

Saving it to send-in-loop.sh

Email list

test-list.csv - the file with recipients, adding just 2 of my emails

> cat test-list.csv


All files message.html, test-list.csv and send-in-loop.sh should be in one folder.

> ls -1

Such a fancy output of ls command, mystic argument 1 does this. Now all that is left is to call the script by

> bash send-in-loop.sh
Sending emails to selected list:
Sending email to: dmi.al.ch@gmail.com
Sending email to: dmi.al.ch@zohomail.eu

And received email looks same as expected:

received email


Need to have that sleep 5 in bash script otherwise email provider will block You. At least I gotten a temporary block on 10th email. Which is another reason to set up own email server, that is actually not a straightforward task, so later.