Place where I give credit and respect to some people, or just would like to share some kind words about them. Some people were my employers, some colleagues, some friends. So it all might be biased. Whether You want to reach out to Them, and don't know how. I can help, free of charge
Old school PhD and Engineer, with rare abilities to stay calm under stressful conditions. It is hard to overestimate the amount true progress Viktor (with his company) brought to forever lagging industries in Latvia.
“Do not let these Big headers like World Bank, EU cohesion funds etc fool You, there are 2 bums with a shovel on site”
– Sad but true summary on building industry by Viktor
“When You come to waste water treatment plant and it smells like sh*t - it means people eat, but when it smells like shower gel, they still take baths”
– A simple way to measure GDP, by Viktor
Even older school Engineer with mystical powers to find pleasure in what He does day to day. Has a funny tradition, to do some important work on site on new years Eve. You better have a screwdriver if You call yourself an engineer in proximity to Andrey.
New school undergraduate bachelor or engineer or whatever. Regardless
of lacking official education a good self-educated person, and
superb web dev.
Oddly rare person who actually enjoys CSS
. Most devs run from it.
Can call Him Martin the CSS king
Solid Engineer, very straightforward and aim driven. Currently
being a software architect at some place. Need a hand inside C#
can ping Him, or if You can’t decide between 760 or A8.
Has a rare quality to honestly tell customers, that maybe too deep and complete automation
of whatever processes, would never even break even. Artur the honest Dev.
Young entrepreneur with fair attitude towards people. Witnessed good resolutions of sketchy situations. Very light and fast in communication. Light is a good summary for David.
Martial arts (Kung-fu) coach. Can open unexpected sides of Your personality. Has super ability to stay sharp under real stress, and boost the confidence of people, with His calm voice.
This is how software developers used to be in the old days. Silent, thoughtful, working long hours, “console + notepad”. Amounts of complexity multiplied by sometimes weird hostility of clients(tough industry), Sergey can withstand is remarkable. We are “soy-devs” next to Him.
Man with diverse skill-set, starting from marketing to refrigerator servicing and photography.(seriously)
Does all sorts of photography, naked nature, naked girls and so on.
While having tons of commercial photography experience, decided not trade Art for coin, and does it
for the pure joy or whatever He finds there.